Nicole Freedman Retires: A Tam Cycling News Special Report

Scores of Freedman's west coast friends journeyed out to the beach including a few hardcore souls who even particated in what seemed to be a rough game of touch football, still in their Webcor and Palo Alto Women's Cycling Team kits. When the antics later turned into tackle kickball, your friendly Pack Fill Reporter wisely opted to stay closer to the many food and wine selections.
Little to her knowledge, it was in fact Nicole Freedman who inspired your Pack Fill Reporter to stick with racing at a free inspirational talk at the Sports Basement almost a year ago. Already cut from her squad for basically being an embarassment to the sport itself, your Pack Fill Reporter took solace in Nicole Freedman's words.
"I sucked," said the former Olympian, who reiterated these words during her toast last night. "I got dropped or pulled out of every race. I wanted to quit so bad, but my friends wouldn't let me."
It was at this talk that your Pack Fill Reporter was also shocked to discover that a cyclist of this caliber could also be so funny.
"Here was a woman even funnier than I am," recalled your reporter, in one of her many conversations to herself. "And she made it to the Olympics. If she can do that, for sure I can upgrade to Category 3."
It is, in fact, thanks to the seven free upgrade points offered for all attendees of Nicole Freedman's cycling clinic a month ago, that your Pack Fill Reporter only has 13 more points out of 20 to go.
We caught up with Nicole for this exclusive interview.
Tam Cycling News: Hi, Nicole, hey, I was wondering, is it true that you were really runner up in the 5th grade spelling bee?
Nicole Freedman: Oh f*** no!
Moments later, Nicole was trampled to the ground by a few of her adoring fans.

We at Tam Cycling News wish Nicole Freedman the best of luck in all her future endeavors. For now, it looks like it's up to us to carry on the torch of goodwill and fun.

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